hey tj. i wrote this one a long time ago! what i’ve observed is the childcare side is the dominant factor and the part that parents need/want subsidized by someone else. frankly, no one in either private or charter has scaled up nearly enough yet. i would say the first big covid outcome was that parents realized that their public schools were a lot more about childcare than academics. And despite the grumbling, having childcare in your neighborhood even with bad academics is the option most parents have chosen post-covid.
so the second big outcome was that programs which offered real academic enrichment for kids like outschool or synthesis took off.
i’m still a very big believer in the combination of physical childcare with cloud-based academics. in medicine, drugs are expensive relative to labor, but they save lives. will we see a day in education where cloud-based academics can be expensive as well, or will costs continue to be dominated by childcare and subsidized by governments? We shall see!